John Law

Started in 2016, as a counterfoil to John’s original compositions group Congregation, which mixed contemporary jazz with electronics and backing tracks, Re-Creations began as a fun project, with the aim of playing lots of different tunes from different genres. It very quickly developed artistically to the point that it began to rival Congregation in terms of artistic excellence and spontaneous creativity. The arrangements became more complex and interesting, while the fact that audiences almost always knew the tunes meant that the group was at the same time very accessible. The quartet’s repertoire includes, as well as jazz classics like Monk, Miles Davis, Gershwin, also tunes from pop/rock/indie (Pink Floyd, Beatles, The Jam, Stevie Wonder, Bon Iver, Michael Jackson, Radiohead). Also, gradually, classical pieces started appearing in the group’s repertoire: for example their versions of the Kyrie from Rossini’s Petite Messe Solennelle, Debussy’s Claire De Lune and Satie’s Gymnopédie.
Line Up: John Law – piano, Sam Crockatt – saxophones, Henrick Jensen – bass, Alex Goodyear - drums