Oli Hayhurst

This is Oli’s own new band making its debut with us. Bag Of Bones present their eagerly awaited debut album on 577 records. The London-based improvising Quartet have honed their chemistry though many hours playing together, exploring all of the history of Jazz and settling on loose compositions as vehicles to explore free improvising. Stone-Lonergan, Simpson, Hayhurst and Glaser all contribute compositions to this recording, which are all designed to give the improvising as much freedom as possible. The music on the new album spans a large emotional spectrum, featuring intense performances, dynamic and spirited exchanges among the group members, expansive blues swagger, and powerful collective free blowing that pays homage to the Free Jazz movements of the 1960s.
These four outstanding musicians, each with distinctive personalities, generate a compelling ensemble sound that traverses a wide spectrum of sound colours, rhythms, and moods, infused with vibrant energy. Possessing a deep appreciation for lyrical melodies, tonal precision, and dynamics, the quartet cultivates an animated interplay, responding to the subtlest atmospheric shifts in harmony, texture and rhythm.
Line Up: Oli Hayhurst – bass, Rick Simpson – Piano, Riley Stone Lonergan - Tenor Sax, & Will Glaser – Drums