Membership Renewal

Thank you all so much for all of you supporting Birmingham Jazz over the years and in particular the last 12 months and we hope you have enjoyed the gigs. Membership subscription is due on 1st September each year and the time to join or renew in time for the AGM in September and have your say in how Birmingham Jazz is run.

As you are aware Birmingham Jazz is a volunteer-led organisation that has no regular external funding and depends entirely for its income on member subscriptions, ticket sales and occasional sponsorship and Arts Council grant.  Without the support of its members Birmingham Jazz could not continue to exist.  Without BJ, the live jazz scene in Birmingham would be that much poorer.

 Renewal/new membership costs £45 per year and donations in excess of this are always welcome.  Payment by the due date entitles full participation in the AGM including full voting rights.

You can pay either by:

1.  Bank transfer/standing order to

      Birmingham Jazz

      Account No. 65599378

      Sort Code:  08-92-99

2.   By cheque to Birmingham Jazz, 4 Warwick Grange, B91 1DD

3.   By cash or cheque at the AGM

4.   By cash or cheque at any gig.

If you choose to pay by bank transfer or standing order please notify Roger Oakden, our Treasurer, by sending an email to the address below informing him of payment.

We are always looking for fresh faces to join the Birmingham Jazz Board.  At the AGM you can nominate yourself or any other Member as a Director.  You will also have the opportunity chat to other jazz enthusiasts, to comment on the year gone, and talk about anything you would like to see happen in the future.