
Birmingham Jazz is a voluntary organisation and has no employees and is run by volunteers who are all Jazz enthusiasts living locally. We operate a full membership scheme for anyone interested in encouraging Jazz in the area. Membership has an annual fee of £45 payable at any time and is renewable on the 1st September each year.
Becoming a Member of Birmingham Jazz is easy and gives you these benefits:
1. Concession on ticket prices at gigs for National Bands and free entry for Club Nights
2. Full voting rights at the Annual Meeting – including the right to be nominated as a Director of the organisation (we are a Charity & not-for-profit company).
3. Making a small but significant contribution to sustainable Jazz in Birmingham.
4. 10% off drinks at our regular Friday gigs at 1000 Trades
The Board has eight Directors at the moment subject to re-election each year.
Volunteers are welcome to help and we are always looking for sponsors and help with resources. If you are interested in any aspect of our work get in touch.
Birmingham Jazz